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STEP 31:

     The past steps were pretty easy. The directions showed what bricks were needed. The only problem was that the model barely rotated in the directions. That made it hard to put on bricks.

STEP 48:

     I was confused when the model flipped to the back to add bricks. The directions didn't tell me it flipped, so it looked like I did the last step backwards. This happens frequently, so in the future, I would like a little symbol of some identification that it flipped.

STEP 48 (Build 2 STEP 9:)

     These steps really confused  me when there was another separate thing I had to build, while still in step 48. When I was done, I still didn't understand what to do with it.

STEP 48 (Build 2 STEP 9:)

     There was another separate build in Step 48. Some of the parts were confusing to identify since I had different colors than what was on the directions

STEP 50:

     These step weren't as confusing. I did mess up a few times because it rotates a lot. Gravity was also a problem. The motor only hold one by one lego, making it unstable since motors are heavy. 

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